Forming faithful leaders in Detroit
Who are we?
We guide learning communities of young adults in Detroit who love God deeply, seek justice, and humbly serve our communities.
Each September, we begin a new 10-month justice & spiritual formation Cohort with young adults in the city. Explore the rhythms of this 10-month learning community below, and view our program details in the ‘Our Program’ tab.
Beyond this 10-month Cohort, we provide mentoring, alumni learning opportunities, spiritual formation and community building, professional counseling access, and an emerging art & faith community of practice.
What does our 10-month Cohort do?
Gather weekly for learning conversations. Our Cohort gathers every Wednesday night for learning, prayer, and community.
Learn from experts and pastors about development, ministry, and justice within the Detroit context: themes range from embracing prophetic lament, navigating challenging relationships, and finding resurrection hope in challenging spaces.
Travel to Washington, D.C. for our lament learning intensive, and practice sabbath rest during our spiritual retreat in Northern Michigan. We also offer regular alumni travel intensives, most recently to Guatemala with our sister Cohort.
Grow relationships with a diverse cohort of young leaders, processing your local work and ministry together: learning as a group how our daily work and service fits with Christ's call to be servants and ambassadors at the margins.
Transform through new spiritual habits, regular mentoring, access to professional counseling, and ongoing support from our growing community of Detroit alumni.
What Our participants are saying
Al-Nisa Strater
"Cohort provided a place for me to experience an encouraging and prayer filled community of likeminded, young leaders. I was able to build new Christ-centered friendships in a space where we were free to show up authentically, read, pray, learn, reflect and be challenged together. “
"I grew in my relationship in the Lord through taking the opportunity to question, wrestle with, and reflect on infinitely important theology of following Christ. I definitely was challenged in my ability to slow down and experience stillness and quiet reflection."